1. No food allowed in the classroom.
We have a drinking fountain right outside our door which you may use
when permission is granted and you may bring in a clear container with water.
2. No gum chewing while delivering a speech or performance.
Please be sure to dispose of gum properly.
3. Be in your seats when the bell ring; if
not, you're tardy. Tardiness will be handled as dictated in the student handbook.
Come prepared for class - bring all materials necessary. No one will be excused to use the phone, go to a locker, or
go to the restroom during class. If you must use the restroom, ask before class begins.
5. Have
respect for school property - no writing on desks, etc. Violation of this rule will mean an after school detention with
6. Please
stay away from the teacher's desk, file cabinets, drama cupboards, etc. unless you have my permission.
7. Please
ask permission to sharpen your pencil or leave your seat.
8. Assignments
must be turned in on time. Late papers willbe accepted for half credit only. After five days, late papers are
not accepted.
9. Speeches
are due the day you are assigned to speak. Since most speeches are assigned well in advance, if you are gone during
one of the prep days you will still be expected to speak on the assigned day.
10. Have respect for one another. Be polite
while someone else is speaking. Your effectiveness as a speaker will be reflected in your performance as the audience.
11. If you wish to discuss your grade or other matters,
I am available before and after school and during the lunch hour. Other times can be arranged by appointment.
Acceptable Use Policy
Because research is an integral part of the
public speaking, debate, and drama classes, the computers and on-line services of the district will be frequently accessed. This document is to inform parents and students of what is expected in Ms. Swarthouts
classroom with regard to technology.
Acceptable Use
(This list is not intended to be all-inclusive))
Classroom activities as assigned and sanction by Ms. Swarthout
Research activities for classroom assignments.
Peer review of assigned work.
The exchange of school project-related ideas, opinions and questions via e-mail, message boards and other
- Accessing information via the Internet for educational
purposes such as: local state, national, and worldwide information and news;
correspondence with sciences and scholars; collaboration with peers on projects and problem-solving strategies.
- Accessing, via the Internet the Library of Congress,
Educational Resource and Information Center (ERIC) Smithsonian Museums, university library
catalogues, and other like sources in the pursuit of legitimate curricular goals.
- Proper e-mail and Internet etiquette is acceptable
and expected, and should include:
Being polite and courteous in all communications and language.
Assisting others in the use of the system and helping others who are looking for
ideas or information.
Posting and sharing information that is interesting and helpful to other users.
Being mindful of network security, and immediately reporting any bugs, errors,
or security problems to Ms. Swarthout
Unacceptable Uses
(This list is not intended to be all-inclusive)
Transmitting or downloading any material in violation of any U.S.
or state regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, material that is
copyrighted, threatening, harmful, sexist, racist, sexually explicit, obscene, or protected by trade secrets or representing
the work of others as your own.
- Accessing non-educational multi-user (chat rooms)
talk sessions or a recreational game.
- Engaging in any unauthorized commercial activity,
product advertisement or political lobbying.
- Use of the technology to distort the truth, to
lie, to misrepresent someone else, or to plagiarize.
- Use of technology to intentionally harm or harass
- Vandalism defined as any attempt to harm, destroy,
or disrupt the operation of the network, hardware, software, or the data of any other user on the system or any other system. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading, creation, or knowing transmission
of computer viruses.
Student Responsibilities
1. Students
are to follow all the policies and regulations set forth in the student handbook with regards to technology.
All students are to have a district AUP policy signed by parents and themselves on file and have their Internet
cards on display when logging into the computers.
Teacher Responsibilities
- Ms. Swarthout will be supervising
and guiding student use of the computer.
- Ms. Swarthout will be teaching policy
and procedures to Internet use.
- Ms. Swarthout will be teaching research
skills for using the Internet.
Parents Responsibilities
Parents must sign
the consent form before their students will be allowed an Internet card or allowed to access the computers in room 919.
Consequences for misuse/abuse
of The Internet: (Depending on the severity of the situation, the disciplinary process may include combinations of the following
- Warning
- Loss of credit for The Internet assignment
- Loss of credit for The Internet unit
- Loss of privilege to use The Internet
- Referral to principals for discipline